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double chin, kybella, stubborn fat, fat pocket, chin fat, fat killer injection fatbella


Minimize your double chin and sculpt your jawline with a fat-killer injection

Shrink The Submental Fat or Double Chin

Kybella is an injection of deoxycholic acid to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fullness or fat below the chin (submental fat), also called “double chin”. Kybella permanently kills the fat cells, and your body flushes out the dead cells over the course of about 1 month.

Treatments are spaced out 4 to 6 weeks apart, and you may need up to 6 treatments to reach your goals.

There is down time after the treatment. Please note the submental swelling may persist for 1 -2+ weeks. Please plan ahead for any events.

Post-care instructions Kybella:

  • You can expect swelling and redness after the treatment. You may also experience bruising, pain, numbness, and induration (firmness). This will normally last less than 5 days, and for some people may last up to 14 days. You may have slight swelling and numbness for up to 1 month.

  • Apply ice during the first 48 hours to help with swelling and discomfort. 

  • Sleep with your head elevated for 3 nights to minimize swelling.

  • Do not scratch, massage or manipulate the treatment area.

  • You may do your normal skin care routine to the area.

  • If you experience any concerning symptoms such as worsening pain, fever, open sores/wounds, the area is hot to touch or draining, please call me immediately.

  • Please call me immediately if you develop an asymmetrical smile, facial muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing, or if any symptoms worsen. 

  • Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

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